Laser - Removal of corrosion products

Are there cases where laser ablation could replace the use of sand blasting? This case is a perfect example of where laser ablation comes to its right.

Laser - Removal of corrosion products
Percent reduction in man hours
Pauses in nearby working activities
Dust to surroundings

The challenge

The challange was that a flange needed to be cleaned during shut down, and several activities was ongoing nearby to the equipment. Normally, the customer would use blast cleaning as a standard procedure for this type of repair. The consequence would be that surrounding activities would be paused, and a risk of dust and steel sand on surrounding equipment.

The solution

The customer chose laser as the cleaning method for the flange. The blast cleaning was estimated to use 5 times the time for the job. The cleaning was completed in one shift without affecting surrounding working processes.

Get in touch

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You can also talk directly to Aleksander, for indepth knowledge about this project.

Aleksander Rise Gallala
Aleksander Rise Gallala
Head of Surface Protection

Services used in this project

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